read ISO 9001

read ISO 14001

read ISO 22000

 readOHSAS 18001

read ISO 13485

read ISO/EN 16001

read ISO/IEC 17020

read ISO/IEC 17025

read ISO/IEC 27001 

read ISO/TS 29001

read ISO 10002

read ISO 10004

read CE


Waste Management Local Authority Inspections

We provide outsourced waste management and inspection services. The provision of this service is part of the continuing strategy by the Local Authorities to ensure that all waste arising in their area is collected, transported and disposed of in a legal manner. The team works closely with other the Local Authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency, An Garda Síochána, the Customs Service, waste contractors, the business community and the general public. The team assists in the enforcement of The Waste Management Act 1996 to 2013 and the Regulations made thereunder.

Waste Management National TFS Office (NTFSO) Inspections

We provide outsourced waste management and inspection services for the NTFSO, which is the National Competent Authority for the Export, Transit and Import of Waste. The provision of this service is to ensure that all waste being exported, transiting or imported to the State is in accordance with the relevant Regulations and Guidelines. The team works closely with other Competent Authorities, Local Authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency, and An Garda Síochána, the Customs Service, waste contractors, the business community and the general public. The team assists in the enforcement of the Trans frontier Shipment Regulations, Shipments of Hazardous Waste exclusively within Regulations, Regulation of Brokers and Dealers and all other associated Regulations.



Shorter development times and a faster market launch can help your company secure an advantageous position in the global markets. CQC offers you services that you need in order to compliment your business activities. For over 30 years, we have been providing worldwide support to customers from all areas of the railway, motor vehicle and aviation industry. Our experts work in close cooperation with your specialists to develop and manufacture your products more efficiently and cost-effectively. From emissions testing to safety and accident prevention inspections, we support you during all phases.

CQC Insurance Company, A CQC Company, provides a total solution to all your boiler/pressure vessel inspection and quality control needs. Whether you manufacture, repair or alter boilers/pressure vessels or is a Facilities Manager looking to comply with jurisdictional requirements, our team is ready to assist.




ASME Codes & Standards

CQC is an Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) offering a full range of ASME code inspection services, including boiler, pressure vessel, power piping, nuclear component and nuclear in-service inspections. We also assist with the development of Quality Control/Quality Assurance Programs and share our expertise through educational programs, including seminars and in-house training.



Jurisdictional Inspections

Once installed, most boilers/pressure vessels must be inspected periodically. Where? Which ones?  How often? CQC can answer all those questions and provide service via our nationwide network of inspectors.



Our Inspectors

With expert knowledge of code requirements, inspection techniques and quality control systems, our inspectors are the most skilled in the business. The staff is made up exclusively of Authorized Inspectors commissioned by the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors and also includes Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI).


Additional Services

In addition to our core business of inspections listed above, we also support:


European Pressure Equipment Directive

International Code Work

CE Marking for other Directives

Source Inspections

Vendor Audits

Technical Training



CQC currently certifies companies to the CQAS 441 National Compost Quality Assurance Scheme. CQAS 441 is a quality management system, comprising of procedures, processes and standards which certifies the facility process that is producing compost using the Irish Standard I.S. 441 National Compost Quality Assurance Scheme specifications. A Compost Quality Assurance Mark gives confidence to consumers that your compost is produced and verified by a National third party certification body, CQC. Please visit the CQAS 441 page for further information.

CQC provides independent industrial inspection and compliance services to various industries. Our inspectors perform inspections, assessments, audits and tests in a completely unbiased manner in order to ensure our clients are receiving a product in full compliance with contract specifications and industry standards or regulations. CQC provides the client the eyes, ears and knowledge at the on-site location of the Manufacturer, Contractor, Fabricator or Assembler. By tapping into our ability to quickly provide experienced, multi-faceted, geographically diversified personnel, CQC seamlessly integrates with these on-site staff and processes which equates to greater efficiency and cost control for our clients. CQC understands the critical nature of Industrial Compliance and Inspection Services and the manner in which construction projects can be affected by the timely