read ISO 9001

read ISO 14001

read ISO 22000

 readOHSAS 18001

read ISO 13485

read ISO/EN 16001

read ISO/IEC 17020

read ISO/IEC 17025

read ISO/IEC 27001 

read ISO/TS 29001

read ISO 10002

read ISO 10004

read CE

CQC provides full comprehensive training programs, tailored to suit the individual needs and requirements of each business. Training can be conducted in-house or at our many conference centers in Canada, UK, USA, Asia and other overseas locations.

Utilizing your Certification Company's training resources has many advantages; it knows your company and the problems you have.

Courses currently available:

·         ISO 9000 (Quality) Internal Auditor course

·         ISO 9001 (Quality) Implementation / Procedure writing workshop.

·         Supplier Quality auditing course.

·         ISO 14001 (Environmental) Implementation / Procedure writing workshop.

·         ISO 14001 (Environmental) Auditing

·         OHSAS 18001 (Safety and Health) Implementation / Procedure writing workshop.

·         OHSAS 18001 (Safety and Health) Auditing course.

·         Integrated/Aligned Management Systems for ISO 9000, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.



Developed specifically for that implementing quality management, involved in quality assurance for the first time, or wishing to attend a registered auditor course without prior experience of quality systems. The course includes lectures and practical workshops.

 Course details


 1 day


 09:00 - 17:00


 Background to Quality Management
 ISO 9001:2008 series standards
 Process Based Quality Systems
 8 Quality Management Principles
 Setting Quality Objectives
 Measurement and Analysis Continual Improvement



This course is suitable for you if you are, or will be, responsible for conducting quality systems audits within your organization, and you want to use the most appropriate and reliable techniques

 Course details


 2 day


 09:00 - 17:00


 QA background
 ISO 9001:2008 series standards
 Types of audit
 Audit techniques
 Checklists - development and uses
 NCR's and categorization
 Auditor skills



This course is suitable for you if you are seeking registration as an auditor under the IRCA Auditor registration scheme. You will also find this course useful if you are an internal auditor and want to develop your competence both as an auditor and a leader of an audit team.

 Course details


 5 day


 08.30 - 19.00 (Days 1 to 4) 08.30 - 16.00 (Day 5)


 Background to Quality Management
 ISO 9001:2008 series standards
 ISO 19011
 Types of audit
 Audit techniques
 Checklists - development and uses
 Process based systems
 NCR's and categorization
 Auditor / lead auditor skills
 Audit case study and role-play



Designed to provide you with a thorough knowledge of environmental management systems, allowing you to develop and effectively implement a certifiable system. The course focuses on developing a system around identified aspects and legislation in order to ensure continual improvement and prevention of pollution.

 Course details


 1 day


 09:00 - 17:00


 Introduction to ISO 14001 & EMAS
 Global environmental issues
 Identification of environmental aspects
 Review of legislative requirements
 Continual improvement process
 Prevention of pollution
 Benefits to business
 Environmental management system implementation & certification



This course is suitable for you if you are, or will be, responsible for conducting environmental management system audits within your organization and you want to use the most appropriate and reliable techniques.

 Course details


 2 days


 09:00 - 17:15


 Environmental issues
 Environmental standards
 Types of audit
 Audit protocols & techniques
 Checklist development & use
 NCR's and categorization
 Auditor skills
 Audit case study and role-play



If you are responsible for implementing or maintaining an environmental management system then this IEMA registered course is for you. You will develop a detailed understanding of environmental aspect evaluation, legislative compliance and continual improvement.

 Course details


 5 days


 09.00 - 19.00 (Days 1 to 4) 09.00 - 16.00 (Day 5)


 Global environmental issues
 ISO 14001 & EMAS, ISO 14010, 14011, 14012 and ISO 19011
 Identification of environmental aspects
 Legislative requirements
 Continual improvement process
 Prevention of pollution
 Certification & verification
 Auditor skills and registration
 Audit planning, execution and reporting
 NCR's and categorization
 Audit case study and role-play