read ISO 9001

read ISO 14001

read ISO 22000

 readOHSAS 18001

read ISO 13485

read ISO/EN 16001

read ISO/IEC 17020

read ISO/IEC 17025

read ISO/IEC 27001 

read ISO/TS 29001

read ISO 10002

read ISO 10004

read CE

Our world is facing unprecedented challenges: to our environment, the energy we use the food on our plates and the clothes on our back - along with everything in between.

CQC provides independent services that make a difference in people’s lives. We help our customers all over the world to operate in a more sustainable manner by improving quality and productivity, reducing risk, verifying compliance and increasing speed to market.

Whether you are a student completing a degree or have already graduated, you can play a role in helping our leading customers and the world at large to meet those challenges, build integrity and improve quality and safety.

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