Waste Management Local Authority Inspections
We provide outsourced waste management and inspection services. The provision of this service is part of the continuing strategy by the Local Authorities to ensure that all waste arising in their area is collected, transported and disposed of in a legal manner. The team works closely with other the Local Authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency, An Garda Síochána, the Customs Service, waste contractors, the business community and the general public. The team assists in the enforcement of The Waste Management Act 1996 to 2013 and the Regulations made thereunder.
Waste Management National TFS Office (NTFSO) Inspections
We provide outsourced waste management and inspection services for the NTFSO, which is the National Competent Authority for the Export, Transit and Import of Waste. The provision of this service is to ensure that all waste being exported, transiting or imported to the State is in accordance with the relevant Regulations and Guidelines. The team works closely with other Competent Authorities, Local Authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency, and An Garda Síochána, the Customs Service, waste contractors, the business community and the general public. The team assists in the enforcement of the Trans frontier Shipment Regulations, Shipments of Hazardous Waste exclusively within Regulations, Regulation of Brokers and Dealers and all other associated Regulations.