We strongly believe our customers deserve the highest quality services and we are driven by quality improvement throughout all our services processes. Since our very first days of operation, we have focused on customer satisfaction as one of our core corporate objectives. We have been a leader CB in quality certifications and recognitions.

We view Registration as Partnership. We establish everlasting relationships with our clients. We look at relationship with a client, as an investment of time and excellence, for a return of Quality. CQC believes the value of registration is to, enhance the profitability of the clients serve as a continuous improvement tool for their company and meet and exceed their customer’s requirement.

We feel that quality certification processes extend well. One recognition of our world-class efforts came when our Tennessee-based locations received the Tennessee Quality Governor's Award, the highest level of recognition in the state-based award program.

CQC Quality Policy is to be the Best Customer Satisfier by providing the highest quality services for our customers.

CQC commits and empowers its employees to implement this policy through the following course of actions:

·         Make our customers’ total experience with CQC the best in the industry.

·         Clearly understand customer needs and provide what meets those needs.

·         Integrate quality management principles into critical business processes and decision-making practices.

·         Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, our processes, services, to enhance their value for our customers, consultants, and employees.

·         Establish quality requirements and ensure auditors, partners and contractors comply with them.

·         Comply with the relevant regulatory requirements.